Ahmet Enes Duruer

Ahmet Enes Duruer

Software Engineer,

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Ahmet Enes Duruer

Software Engineer,

Contact Download CV
Made with and Svelte.

Project ≫ Portfolio

This is my small portfolio website that I created to introduce myself. It supports Turkish and English languages as well. In this project during the development, recently I converted my project from Svelte Rollup to a Svelte Kit project with these technologies used in, Svelte 3 and Svelte Kit for coding of UI, previously I created a Svelte 3 router for routing the project which is Routve library, SASS for coding CSS, previously I was using RollupJS as project bundler but now I use Svelte Kit framework (vite), GitHub (Git) as version controlling system, I was also using Babel JS for more browser support, Prettier as code formatter, previously I was using Travis CI for build up project but now Netlify, and again previously Heroku was used for deploy but now Netlify completes this job too and CloudFlare for infrastructure.

{start_date} - {end_date}
Kahverengi Portfolio